Sunday, June 12, 2022

June 2022 Vacation - Day 8 - Cleaning and Heading Home (& Summar

I woke up on Saturday to mostly overcast skies with the sun just peeking out over the horizon at sunrise to be quickly engulfed behind the clouds.  

After breakfast (prepared on the boat), I shut off and we defrosted the main freezer, then started cleaning.  Vicky basically vacuumed the entire boat and also wiped down most of the areas she could access.  My task was to finally solve a binding problem we were having with one drawer.  (It turns out having too full of a starboard water tank causes the drawer to bind - thanks to FB 425 owners group.)  After lunch (sandwich from Rock Hall Liquors), I was the swabber and schlepper - I swabbed the deck and schlepped the week's accumulated detritus to recycling, garbage and of course several trips up the dock to the car.

That was pretty much the whole day.  I was after 6:00 when we finally closed up the boat and headed home by way of Cafe Sado for a sushi dinner.

It's a long reach to the bottom of the freezer.

Yes... this was just for show, I'm certain she rewiped this area.

The clouds finally started to break up in the late afternoon.

All clean and ready for the next excursion.

We got home just in time for a nightcap and lots and lots of sleep.

All the week's vacation photos (and a few videos) are gathered in one place in this SmugMug gallery.

So in summary, it was a great week.  We had a chance to have long conversations with a wide variety of the Wilmington, DE branch of American Boating Club (formerly the US Power Squadron).  I had a good supply of potential photos to enter my company's photo contest.  We shared many good meals and visited one new anchorage.  We even saw (and photographed) dolphins for the first time in many years!  It's too bad we missed the final day, but our battery issue is on the way to getting resolved.  It was a nice and fun vacation!

Summary of costs

Rock Hall Liquors - $12

Cafe Sado - $70

Total for this Day - $82

Total Costs for the Vacation

Day 0 & 1 - Rock Hall - $181

Day 2 - Little Round Bay - $18

Day 3 - Herrington Harbor South - $344

Day 4 - Quarter Cove on the Wye River - $0

Day 5 & 6 - Saint Michaels, MD - $494 (plus replacement drone, TBD)

Day 7 - Kent Narrows, Dolphins & Rock Hall - $188

Day 8 - Cleaning and Heading Home - $82

Total Costs for the Vacation - $1307 (plus replacement drone, TBD)

(Note that this cost doesn't include any portion of the yearly cost of ownership.)

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