Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Quick Daysail on a Cloudy Day

A nice flat day on the bay... just enough wind to sail.


This weekend, Saturday was a rainy day.  So I headed north to visit the Little One.

Sunday looked to be a pleasant day so down to Rock Hall, I went.

The first order of business was to do this year's propane safety check.  I had tried this last week, but carried out the procedure wrong and thought I had some issues, so a recheck was in order.  The procedure is to ensure the tank is closed, open the safety selenoid, ensure all the stove/oven controls are turned off and then presssurize the system for a quick moment and shut off the propane tank.  Then I took the photo on the left.  After 15 minutes, I took the photo on the right.  No change in pressure means the system is leak free!

After the pressure check was completed, I did a quick oil check and headed out.

It was a very cloudy day... especially a series of dark clouds hanging out over Rock Hall all day.  The bay was quite flat... light winds... temps in the high 60s and low 70s.

After a few hours, I headed back and encountered Shardana heading out with her guests for the day.

Dark clouds hung out over Rock Hall all day.

She's all tied up and ready for Vicky to get back this week!

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