Sunday, July 7, 2019

2019 NYC - Liberty Landing Trip - Day 4

Liberty Landing Marina has a 3 night minimum around the 4th of July, so having spent our time, we headed home today to avoid another $250 charge and to get ahead of storms they said were approaching.  We always end up leaving later than I had hoped, this time delayed by an unusually long wait at the fuel dock for a pumpout (emptying the sewage holding tank).

We departed out the Morris canal

Then turned to starboard and headed to NY Harbor.

Shortly after passing the statue, it started to rain.  Since rain was in the forecast on and off during the day, we put in the center panel in our Bimini top and continued south.

NY Harbor is a BIG body of water for a rowing boat like this one.  They seemed to be enjoying themselves, though I doubt they do it when it is a choppy as we've seen it.

The wind was coming from the direction we were heading, so wanting to stay ahead of bad thunderstorms, we motored.

I guess all the rains recently had flushed the harbor somewhat.  What is typically a dark green/brown water had a decent shade of blue-green.

I had time for a couple of selfies while going under the Verrazzano-Narrows bridge.

But once we made the turn into Hoffman Narrows, fog obscured all our landmarks... I was grateful for modern technology like GPS.

The Raritan Bay was blue... it looked incredibly pleasant, so I diverted south (once I could) so we could maybe sail a bit...

... but by the time I had everything ready, a glance north let me know we were not going to sail, but gun it for Keyport.

As we crossed towards Keyport, we watched this thunderhead start building right over where we were heading.

The final approach into Keyport was threatening.  Vicky readied everything below for a quick departure and we tied up, and quickly stowed everything - ready to leave Seas The Day for a week.

The KYC launch captain was rushing around trying to pick up everyone and our friend Bill assisted to ensure we could stay aside long enough to throw all our gear aboard.  You can see the storm rushing in.

We beat it.  Barely.  As we raced off the dock I retrieved our vehicle and we threw our bags inside just as the first drops of rain were coming down.


Turned out to be the last drops of rain as well.  We had our traditional drink at the bar afterward only to realize that the storm we were expecting to watch had fizzled out.

Remembering that we forgot a few items in the rush, we headed out for a quick retrieval of a few items (especially my camera), then headed down the Turnpike towards home.

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