Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cleaning Out Seas The Day

We tried doing this last weekend, but it was so choppy in Keyport Harbor that it was impossible.  We realized that we keep WAY TOO MUCH stuff aboard Seas The Day.  During our day of sailing on Shardana, Vicky liked how neat Capt. Andy kept his boat and we decided it was time to clean our's out.

Unfortunately, between last weekend when it was too choppy, and this weekend when the bay was calm, Vicky went back to China.  So I was given marching orders had the pleasure of cleaning her out myself.  We approached her from the launch, but the launch captain was busy talking to another member and I ended up taking a brief tour of the mooring field.

Once aboard, the first task was to empty all lockers and drawers and cabins... all the contents had to go into the salon and get roughly sorted into a wide variety of tote bags and garbage bags for the larger items.

Doing the rest of the boat was a breeze... tackling the chart table was a nightmare.  Everyone knows that I keep a messy desk, and Seas The Day is no exception.

Once everything was sorted, I went to the dock so I could off-load the 30 or so bags of crap boat items.

It was exhausting work and I never want a job as a longshoreman.

While photographing, I realized that we only have 230 hours on the diesel...

So she's all cleaned out and looks great inside (outside too).

Somehow, I was able to fit everything in the car and immediately started the drive south.  I'll sort through everything at home and decide what to return with.

The house is now filled with piles... piles of bedding to get washed...

Piles of misc. boat items to get sorted through...

Piles of galley items to get washed and repacked...

And a small pile of key items if I want to go sailing while I'm sorting the mess.  I have a few weeks until Vicky returns to get it all sorted out.

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