Friday, June 19, 2020

A typical Weekend

Last weekend was just a typical weekend for us.  We arrived Friday evening in time for a great sunset... even catching our friend's boat coming in from a charter.  We ended up having a pleasant evening watching movies.

Saturday morning was spent attending to a few boat chores.  Mainly filling the water tanks and troubleshooting some electronics (we're having trouble with one of the slots on the chart plotter.

Eventually we went out and vicky was able to fish - although we didn't get any bait so she was stuck trying some of the lures my brother left.

We ended the day with a fish and ribs dinner from Osprey Point Restaurant and another sunset to watch.

On Sunday, Vicky tried again at fishing... this time sacrificing a Won-Ton Shrimp noodle to use as bait (along with the lure).  I know NOTHING about fishing, so I'm not certain, but I think she needs more education on how to set up a rig.

That being said, as soon as she casted, she exclaimed "something's on the line".  But we think it just got caught in some grass.

She seems to be having fun trying.

I got to practice some sailing - even trying some with Jib alone.

It also seems to be baby spider season as there are lots of fine webs all over our rigging.

Finally, as always, I'm amazed at the variety of sailboats around here.

1 comment:

  1. George, so glad you still enjoy boating as much as you do! Plus it's the ultimate in social distancing when out on the water :) Nice read, always love living vicariously through your sail adventures!
