Saturday, July 18, 2015

Day Sailing with the Anzels - Great Beds Lighthouse

So today some old friends from college came to visit and brought two of their boys.  I was chatting with them on FB and messenger trying to decided what we would do for the day.  As they were starting to drive down from NJ, I was getting reports that the weather might start getting rough, so in the end we decided on a "three hour tour" - out to Great Bed's lighthouse and back (after a band of rain had passed).

But first, we badly needed to visit the dock and take on some water.  Birds have suddenly taken a liking to Seas The Day and she needed to be hosed down.  Bill got a great shot of her from the dock.

We then motored out of the mooring field and raised the sails.  The wind was relatively calm - 5 to 6 knots or so, but we made our way across the bay before turning west back towards Great Beds.

They had brought some sandwiches from Mike's Subs and we had a nice lunch on board, even if it was a tad cloudy.  And we got a chance to see the Cornucopia Princess out on a dinner cruise from Perth Amboy.

After we ate, we tacked... started to loose wind... and decided to pull in the sails.  While under power, I gave Nathan the helm until we got close to the lighthouse and all the confusing buoys around that area.  Of course, we had to have a photo op while nearing the light.

We had heard that the weather might get bad later in the day, so we then headed back to Keyport for drinks at KYC, and a nice dinner at Nemo's.

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